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Which Afterlife Post Plan is for me?

We can't say which plan is best for you as we don't know why you'll be using this service. Generally if you're just wanting to notify people you know online only that you've died you'll want the e-mail options, and if you're sending letters to friends/family you'd be going with mailed options as it's a bit more personal (and you know their addresses). We do allow you to have hybrid plans as well.

  Mailed (Free) Mailed (Paid) E-Mailed (Free) E-Mailed (Paid)
Recipients 1 unlimited 5 unlimited
Letters 5-one-page unlimited 5-7,500 characters unlimited
Site Username/passwords 3 printed pages unlimited 10 sites/usernames/password unlimited
Personal Touch* X X    
Notify anyone*     X X
Handwritten Letters** X X    
Police Notification Service*** X X X X

* - Think of "personal touch" vs "notify anyone" like this: would you really want to hear that your mom/daughter/father/son died over e-mail? Probably not -- but you wouldn't think too much of heaing someone you knew only from online that they died over e-mail.

** - Handwritten letters can be used for any mailed options, but they cost a little every year (so a "free" plan with handwritten letters will cost)

*** - Police notification service is the ability to store a "message to the police/coroner" in the event you're missing, murdered, die, etc. Basically it's something that could be of use to the police in the event something happens to you. Now while we don't guarentee the police will accept it, use it, or even acknoldge the information you provide us to give to them -- the service does exist with all plans.