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Afterlife Post FAQs

Or how to shoot ourselves in the foot

You guys seem very.... relaxed about this topic...

Maybe, but it could be because we just believe in being honest and death's normally a very serious topic.

So why do you offer a service, yet give options that wouldn't involve us using you?

We just believe that people should be ready for when they die. As the years go on, more and more becomes digital -- yet many people don't think about what would happen with password-protected accounts and resources! It could be as simple as your login to your home PC, or even login to a work PC -- or anything really.

And something that many people don't think of, it's not just when you die. There are many things that may prevent you, while still living, from remembering your passwords and other things blocking yourself from your own files. We've known a few people that had brain surgery or head injuries, strokes, etc that made them forget their own passwords and such. Sometimes even things useful for when you die, can help you while you're still living.

At the same time, we want people to realize that no matter who they give letters or passwords to -- you've got to trust the individual that you've left them with. It doesn't matter who they are, you've got to trust them. Which is why we recommend you actually put the really personal, confidential, etc information into a safety deposit box. But then that costs money. You could go with a safe, but then you've got to give someone that passcode (which then gives them access to your other stuff too).

Our service that we provide actually allows you just another place to store things that may be cheaper in the long run than other ones. Or it might be more. There are literally hundreds of places like this one online! It's such a common thing that many people have thought about doing it. It's not unique, or anything like that. Some estate places offer a similar service by being a traditional customer even!

We don't care who you use -- we'd prefer us being used of course -- but we mainly want you to make sure that your friends and family can get access to your accounts once you die, and even have the chance to have a letter given to them (even your online friends). The service we offer is like a one-stop place -- you die, we're notified, we send out your letters to everyone. If you put a folder on your computer or similar, they'd be notified too if your friends/family know to do so. And while it's sad if you die no matter what, a third party who doesn't really know you will be more detached, and it'd be easier on them to send the letters and such than your own family.