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Keeping your information safe

No Single Point of Failure

Our system is setup so nothing can be done without multiple checks (two people not living together saying your dead + a death certificate + a funeral home acknoldging it + an obit). The chances of a person falsifying all of this information involves multiple people being in on it, and even potentially the people involved breaking laws to achieve the task.

To be honest, it's doubtful someone would go through this trouble when there's much, much, easier ways to get the same information.

Mailings not automatic

No mailings are done automatically. If someone dies an actual human has to go in and perform the mailing tasks. In fact, if you're using the actual mail service (not the e-mail one) a human will actually be personally handling the letters, stuffing the envelopes, and taking them to the post office for delivery. While that may seem strange, it's not entirely different than giving a will to a lawyer/estate planner/etc -- someone will always be capable of reading the information. At our company, only top-level people will be able to access the information, and then only after the account is listed as "closed - death"; and then only one person will be handling your information.

For e-mail service, the e-mails are sent out automatically once an employee verifies that you've died, and only the receipents will see the message (assuming you provided us the proper information). Of course there is no way to guarentee that the intended recepient will receive or even read the e-mail.

Obviously there are pros and cons to each method.

Auto-send-out service

We do offer a service that you have to opt-in to which makes the above items not apply: the "I don't have any real-life people I trust" option. Basically it means that we'll have to rely on your lack of response as a sign you've died or something happened to you. For this option we will assume that lack of logging in + a lack of acknoldging auto-sent e-mails to you means something happened to you. In that event, we'll send a quick "please check on so-and-so to make sure she/he's ok" messages to the people you've got listed. If they reply that they too haven't heard from you, we will assume something has happened to you, and the letters will be sent. This is the ONLY case where no third party verification will cause information to be sent out, and it has to be opt-in.

General Security

At this time, all information is passed over a standard internet connection -- we will offer a SSL though qrsevlo, Inc's other sites if desired, and if popular, we'll just add a SSL to this site as well. As we aren't aware of how popular this service will be (not to mention, everything but username/passwords don't need to be anymore secure than an e-mail as our primary function is to print and mail these out), we aren't planning on having a SSL just for this site.

However we do have an option for people wanting a fairly high level of security even without using a SSL! We have a program that you can run on your own computer (source code available as well) that generates a public and private key to encrypt your data. While you'll have to keep both of these safe with backups (losing either will cause your info to be lost forever), and you'll have to give your attorney a copy of the private key and such -- you can encrypt your letters/usernames/passowrds/etc and send us only the encrypted data. Without us having the public or private keys it's all-but impossible for the data to be unencrypted by anyone.