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How does Afterlife Post work?

It's the easiest thing ever!

You sign up, enter letters, usernames & passwords*, and tell us who you want it delivered to.

And that's all you have to do!

Of course you should keep your information updated, as things do change, and hopefully you'll be around for a long time still. We'll even send notices telling reminding you to update your information every 3 or 6 months (we'll also contact your verification people as well -- just in case you died, and they forgot or didn't know to notify us).

As long as you do that, you're done. When you die two of your verification people will have to confirm that you're dead. We'll have to be provided with a death certificate. And we'll request a paper obit, and athe funeral home (or church) that's holding the memorial service or funeral. Before we release your information, we need to make sure you're really dead, and it's not some practical joke!

We may also release the information in the event your incapacitated or missing, although other proof would have to be provided for those instances.

For those "paranoid" people out there, we even offer a "police/coroner" contact letter. This is quite similar to the family one, but it's mainly so you can enter things like "met someone from online, name: John Smith, address:..., phone:..." that way just in case something happens "you" (through us) can give this information to the police to potentially help solve your disappearance or murder! Yeah, not much consolation we know, but at least you might help catch the person. Of course as you could just be "missing" we will release this information to the police only upon request.

Don't worry -- all information is encrypted on our end, so we can't view it directly!

* optional -- and we recommend you just print off or save them on your computer someplace where your family can find them. Granted that's a bad idea generally, but we believe in being straightforward here: any data that a company can provide to a person can be read by the company with some effort -- and if we encrypted it so it'd take a lot of effort (i.e. months/years of attempts), if the code to decrypt the data were lost by you or your family -- guess what would happen? Yep, we wouldn't be able to give the data to your people you wanted.