Most common debunk used by a flat earther, is just outright denying anything is true, without providing any evidence for their viewpoint. Or, if they do provide evidence, it either doesn’t prove what they say (they self-debunk and prove a globe), or it’s highly flawed / shows a lack of understanding of what they did. For example, when a flat earther says moonlight is cold, and they demonstrate the difference in something under moonlight, vs something shaded–never realizing that the shaded / closer to a building / whatever area may be more shielded allowing for more heat retention. Which is shown to be the case when people test it properly.
As a note, and for the flat earther’s privacy, I won’t provide screenshots or any identifying information for any specific flat earther (or poe). In part, as I don’t want them harassed, or found out. I’m also aware that just by posting a screenshot without their info, people can search that text, and be returned that person’s profile/tweet/etc.
Stupidity with Volume
Some flat earthers (or poes, because they are believed by flat earthers) will deny what volume is. They may outright say that if you have volume of 100units in container A, then you move it to container B, it no longer has a volume of 100units. In fact, if you move the 100units to a flat piece of foil on a table, it may not have a volume, or be different still! They will then go on posting definitions of volume from different sources, none saying it changes, nor that it needs to be in a container. Yet they will claim victory, and deny that they debunked themselves. Anyone showing that their own evidence debunks them will result in them repeating the same thing, with more evidence that also debunks themselves. But there’s more! Say anything about how their evidence shows they didn’t read/research/etc it, they will say it is *you* who doesn’t research or read it, and that you are projecting. It’s almost like a projection/gaslight attempt they pull with this. And similar things too really.
Stupidity with Satellites / Space
But you’ll have others that will hear about satellites, even shown a video recorded from an armature astrologer, that shows the ISS moving across the moon. They will watch it, see how it moves, see it for themselves if they look outside, and be like “it’s a balloon/fake image projected off the dome” or some such thing, and say that satellites don’t exist. When asked what proof they have, you’ll frequently get “space is fake” and “NASA buys a lot of helium”. When pressed that not only NASA buys helium, and the use for that is different, they’ll blow it off as “all are NASA, and that means to deceive”. Then when you show it doesn’t mean that they are using another word, they’ll just deny everything again, and repeat the cycle of “evidence” of just “nuh-uh-ing” all the evidence away.
Resets & Circular
Basically flat earthers seem to have a “reset” wherein they seem to forget they ever said something, or that things were said to them, so they will keep on repeating the same information all the time. Some seem to reset midway through a post, others like every day or few days. But they always seem to just ignore everything told to them, and act like “no one has ever proven this wrong”. And then have to be told again.
But while that happens, they also sometimes toss in the circular arguments, like “satellites are fake because space is fake, and space is fake because it has to be as the earth is flat, and the earth can’t be proven to be a sphere because it requires space (it doesn’t need that), and space is fake and you can’t prove it because the moon landing is fake. Basically a constant one thing is fake therefore something else is, etc, while never proving any of it, but their believers think it’s true because they just make the same assumptions.
Note: all documents may be edited for clarity or improvements at any time, but will maintain the same general content.